welcome to the Scrapping Everyday Miracles blog hop! I am so excited to have been selected to join this amazing group of women on this design team! I am honored and humbled by the very great talent and God-fearing women this team consists of! Thanks ladies!
Make sure to hop to each members blog where there could be a chance to win random prizes and to be inspired and motivated by the awesomely amazing talent found there! here is the list to follow:
Kelly > you are here!
this is the LO I have created for this "new chapter" of my life.
6 years ago I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I had just run a half-marathon and was extremely active and independent. Today I use a wheelchair and can't drive! But you know what? I wouldn't change a thing! Yes, I don't like what has happened to me but I have met so many amazing people and learned so much about myself that to not embrace where God has brought me in this journey we call life would be so wrong!
This "new chapter" page is not meant to be negative in any way...and this is one of the first times I have done a page about me and my "new normal." Being able to "scrap" about myself and where I am on this journey has been very good for me! My style of scrapbooking is clean and simple...the pages here on my blog will show just that. I have tried new techniques and different mediums to keep up with the changing times but I always go back to the simplicity of grid patterns and an assortment of photos to tell a story.
I have an awesome husband and 14 year old son...greatly supportive friends and church family. I am so blessed! I praise God and give Him the glory for the work He has done and is still doing in my life. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy the rest of the hop! Next up is Nicole...
Blessings my friends!
Congrats on making the team! Wonderful page. You are such an inspiration.
Great layout! I love how you used those larger patterns on with the starburst. Really interesting visual effect.
I love the colors and the mis-match of it all. So cute! TFS!
Lovely page, thanks for sharing your story,
Nicole, thank you for sharing your story. It is very encouraging to me to see how God truly fulfill his promise in Romans 8:28 in and through your life.
What a blessing and miracle!
What a great testament to God's faithfulness and love - thank you for sharing your story! I love this page!!
Conrgatulations Kelly for becoming at a DT member, I can't wait to see your creations as you are a great inspiration for me! I too am a "simple scrapper".. I try to keep up with all the new techniques and ideas, but somehow find myself going back to basics alot. I can get very overwhelmed by all the LOADED LO's.. I can't wait to see your creations! Thanks for sharing your story and am glad that you have faith in God to guide you along your new journey now..
Toni.. :)
Kelly, your attitude towards life and Love for the Lord is so inspiring!! Congratulations on making the DT. It is so deserved and SEM will be blessed by your participation there!! Such a fabulous LO!! ~ Blessings, Tracey
I love the pattern play here! Your testimony is so inspiring! While not as nearly severe as MS, my fibro has also changed me ffom the active person I used to be to as you said,the new normal. Praising him in the storm is testimony to your Faith and His strength..looking forward to getting to knrkw better :)
Your story is so inspirational Kelly, I can so appreciate that you have taken what many would consider a negative and turned it into a positive. You always explain your situation and beliefs so eloquently, with gusto and confidence and spunk! You go girl! xx
Thanks for sharing your inspirational perspective
What a dramatic layout! I liked the collage aspect of your layout. I am glad you have such great support.
Great page and inspiration! I love how you merged the background papers. It is a wonderful testiment to your faith that you can remain so positive when life has thrown you such a curve ball. We all walk through valleys in life and it is often to easy to dwell in the land of pity. I am so glad that you are focusing on the positive and that you are surrounded by such great friends and family! Hugs!
Kelly your attitude towards your life is beautiful. I know God will use you and the other ladies at SEM in wonderful ways. =)
Love your attitude...God truly is enough in any circumstance. I really like how you laid out your page.
love your vulnerability ..
scrapping is def therapeutic!
every blessing of God as you journey together..
Your positive attitude is wonderful! If anything like this ever happens to me, I hope that I can overcome the negativity like you have!!!! Thanks!
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